BKP Payment Release
For SOCSO and EPF contributors who are unemployed, you may receive RM500 subsidy from the government in October without any application needed.

Status Checking for Pre-Register Automatic Voters
The government will implement automatic voter registration and the voting age will be lowering to 18. For those who age above 18 and haven’t register as a voter, you may check your registration status in October.

New Affordable Telco Packages for Students & Vulnerable Families
The government has launched 2 new affordable telco packages, “Pakej Remaja Keluarga Malaysia” for students & “Pakej Peranti Keluarga Malaysia” for vulnerable families. By engaging these packages, users can enjoy internet data & get smartphone within an affordable price.

Schools Reopen
According to the Education Ministry, schools will reopen in stages according to the phases of PPN. When a state enters another PPN phase, the schools will reopen after 2 weeks from the date of implementation.

Third Dose of Covid-19 Vaccine
Vulnerable and high-risk groups will receive Covid-19 booster shots after the 80% of adult population are fully vaccinated. They are expected to get the booster shots earliest in the October.

Interest Waiver for Moratorium
The government has instructed banks to waive interest on loans under moratorium. This waiver is applicable for B50 within 3 months period (Oct-Dec). Details are still to be announced.

WhatsApp Stop Working on Old Phones
Starting from November 2021, WhatsApp will no longer works on old phone for both iOS and Android. If you are using system lower than iOS 10 or Android 4.0.4, you might be unable to load WhatsApp in your phone.

Public Holidays in October
- 02.10.2021: Sabah Governor’s Birthday (For Sabah)
- 09.10.2021: Sarawak Governor’s Birthday (For Sarawak)
- 19.10.2021: Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (National)
Submission Deadline
- 15.10.2021: PCB (Sep salary)
- 15.10.2021: SOCSO & EIS (Sep salary)
- 15.10.2021: CP204 Payment (Exempted for Tourism, Cinema & SPA)
- 28.10.2021: Audited Report (Company financial year ended December 2020)
- 30.10.2021: Audited Report (Company financial year ended March 2021)
- 31.10.2021: EPF (Sep salary)
- 31.10.2021: SST (Aug-Sep 2021 payment)
- 31.10.2021: CP204 Submission (Company financial year ended November 2021)
- 31.10.2021: Form C (Company financial year ended December 2020)