What is Hiring Incentives3.0 / Penjana Kerjaya3.0?
Under PEMULIH, Hiring Incentives 3.0 is introduced, the subsidy condition & amount has amended accordingly, let us take a look on the new conditions:
1.Types of subsidies and amount
Apprentice:Subsidies RM800 – RM1,000 (3 – 6 months)
Determination:Graduand aged between 18 – 30
Condition:At least 3 – 6 months contract with minimum salary RM1,200
Employees aged under 40:
Subsidies 40% of salary (Up to RM4,000/mth, up to 6 months)
Condition:At least 12 months contract with minimum salary RM1,500
Employees aged above 40:
Subsidies 60% of salary (Up to RM6,000/mth, up to 6 months)
Condition:At least 12 months contract with minimum salary RM1,500
Vulnerable groups:
Subsidies 60% of salary (Up to RM6,000/mth, up to 6 months)
Condition:At least 6 months contract with minimum salary RM1,500
Unemployed for long-time:
Subsidies 60% of salary (Up to RM6,000/mth, up to 6 months)
Condition:At least 12 months contract with minimum salary RM1,500
Employer:Subsidies 40% of salary (Up to RM4,000/mth, up to 6 months)
Employee:Subsidies 20% of salary (Up to RM2,000/mth (Up to 6 months)
Condition:At least 12 months contract with minimum salary RM1,200
Mobility subsidy
ONE-OFF subsidy
RM500 – Travel distance less than 100KM
RM1,000 – Travel distance more than 100KM
Training subsidy
#Apprentice:Up to RM4,000
Other:Up to RM7,000

2. Condition:
Employees hired after 15.06.2021
3. Application period:
15.07.2021 – 31.12.2021
4. Steps to apply:
Kindly refer to: Steps to Apply Hiring Incentives3.0