Malaysia Expected to Reopen Borders
Malaysia may reopen its borders to international tourists in November, and the travelers from Singapore could be among the first to be allowed into the country. This decision will stimulate and recover economy Malaysia.

Financial Management and Resilience Program (URUS)
Association of Banks in Malaysia and AKPK have recently launched the Financial Management and Resilience Program (URUS) to help the B50 group reduce the financial burden. Under URUS, beneficiary may get 3 months interest waiver, reduction of monthly instalment payment for up to 24 months and lower interest rate. Registration starts from 15.11.2021, the registration details will be announced before 15.11.2021.

Enhanced Feature for EPF i-Invest
EPF members could only purchase multiple unit trust funds from one FMI in a single transaction via the i-Invest self-service online investment facility previously. Now EPF enhance the feature for i-Invest to allow members better access and efficiency. ember can purchase up to 8 unit trust funds from a maximum of 5 fund management institutions (FMIs) in a single purchase transaction.

KWSP i-Citra one-off withdrawal amount limit is expected to increase to RM10,000
November payments of i-Citra will be made starting from 01.11. 2021. Most of the members and Umno Youth suggested the government to increase the i-Citra maximum withdrawal limit to RM10,000. KWSP stated that they would discuss relevant matters with the Minister of Finance.

Secondary and Primary Schools Reopen Guidelines
Refer to the pictures for the futher details.

Teenagers who have been fully inoculated can enjoy all privileges and conveniences
Complete vaccination for adolescents will be stipulated as a condition in all SOP to enjoy similar privileges with fully vaccinated adult in mid of November. The privileges and convenience including dine-in, cross-state, watch movie in cinema, hair cut and other.

WhatsApp Stop Working on Old Phones
Starting from November 2021, WhatsApp will no longer works on old phone for both iOS and Android. If you are using system lower than iOS 10 or Android 4.0.4, you might be unable to load WhatsApp in your phone.

Public Holidays in November
- 04.11.2021: Deepavali (National except Sarawak)
- 05.11.2021: Sultan of Perak’s Birthday (For Perak)
- 11.11.2021 : Sultan of Kelantan’s Birthday (For Kelantan)
- 12.11.2021 : Sultan of Kelantan’s Birthday Holiday (For Kelantan)
Submission Deadline
- 15.11.2021: PCB (Oct salary)
- 15.11.2021: SOCSO & EIS (Oct salary)
- 15.11.2021: HRDF (Oct salary)
- 15.11.2021: CP204 Payment
- 28.11.2021: Audited Report (Company financial year ended Jan’21)
- 30.11.2021: Audited Report (Company financial year ended Apr’21)
- 30.11.2021: EPF (Oct salary)
- 30.11.2021: SST (Sep-Oct 2021 payment)
- 30.11.2021: CP204 Submission (Company financial year ended Dec’21)
- 30.11.2021: Form C (Company financial year ended Jan & Feb’21)