Application Deadline of Hiring Incentives 3.0
Application of Hiring Incentives 3.0 will be ended on 31.12.2021. Don’t missed the chance to get RM 600 monthly subsidies.
Details of Hiring Incentives 3.0: Hiring Incentives3.0 (Penjana Kerjaya3.0)
Ways to Apply Hiring Incentives 3.0: Ways to Apply Hiring Incentives 3.0

i-Citra Payment Released
Payment of i-Citra in December will be released from 01.12.2021. EPF also mentioned that all withdrawal plans (i-Lestari, i-Sinar & i-Citra) are financial aids during Covid pandemic and will be ended soon, which means, public are no longer allowed to withdraw the savings without a valid reason after that.

Personal Tax Relief 2021
Still considering the ways to reduce your personal tax? Take a look on the list of Personal Tax Relief 2021 to know which expenses are tax deductible! Remember to keep the receipt for 7 years!
Further Details: Personal Tax Relief 2021

Ceiling Price for Booster Dose
The cabinet agrees to set a ceiling price for booster dose at private clinics. The price will be announced in next week.

Covid Test for Non-Fully Vaccinated Students
According to KKM, students, teacher and staff that haven’t been fully vaccinated will need to undergo a weekly covid test while the cost will be borne by schools. For Primary school and preschool, 10% of their student population will need to test for covid every week.

JPJ Set Roadblock to Check Vehicle’s Road Tax Validity
JPJ started “Ops Sedar” plan, setting roadblock in selected locations to check on the validity of vehicle’s road tax. If your road tax expired, quickly renew it on JPJ branch or via online.

No Prior Swab Test Needed to Enter Sabah
Sabah will allow fully vaccinated visitors to enter the state without taking a prior swab test starting from 01.12.2021. The visitors are required to complete a healthy survey form before entering Sabah. For visitors haven’t done vaccination, they will need to take a prior swab test and only negative result are allowed to enter.

Termination of 3G Network
Malaysia will fully terminate 3G network for the whole nation by the end of the year. MCMC has reminded all 3G device users to switch to the 4G network before year-end.

Public Holidays in December
- 11.12.2021: Sultan of Selangor’s Birthday (For Selangor)
- 24.12.2021: Christmas Eve (For Sabah)
- 25.12.2021: Christmas Day (National)
- 26.12.2021: Christmas Holiday (For Kelantan & Terengganu)

Submission Deadline
- 15.12.2021: PCB (Nov salary)
- 15.12.2021: SOCSO & EIS (Nov salary)
- 15.12.2021: HRDF (Nov salary)
- 15.12.2021: CP204 Payment
- 31.12.2021: Audited Report (Company financial year ended May 2021)
- 31.12.2021: EPF (Nov salary)
- 31.12.2021: SST (Oct-Nov 2021 payment)
- 31.12.2021: CP204 Submission (Company financial year ended January 2022)
- 31.12.2021: Form C (Company financial year ended March 2021)